Senior Naval Science Instructor

Nathan “Moo” Cook, LCDR USN (Ret)

Email Address:

619-605-8100 Ext. 2406

I always thought flying was the best part of my 20 years of Naval service. But when I really thought about it, I realized teaching and mentoring were by far the most rewarding aspects of my life as a Naval Officer. Once I retired in 2022 and finally got back to San Diego, I set to work finding the best way to continue mentoring future leaders.

I am excited and passionate about helping young people develop self-confidence in discovering who they are and what they want to be. As an instructor, I like to draw from my various experiences around the world and right here with my family in San Diego. My four kids continue to provide my wife and me with plenty of “learning opportunities.”

I love the outdoors and adventuring with my family.

Naval Science Instructor

Mark Nash, CPO USN (Ret)

Email Address:

Ext. 2406

Chief Petty Officer Mark Nash was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After graduating high school in 2001, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy in July 2002. Over the course of his 21-year career, he served at five different commands and deployed five times across three ships: the USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67), the USS Dewert (FFG-45), and the USS Essex (LHD-2). Achieving the rank of Chief Petty Officer was one of his proudest accomplishments, along with the opportunity to mentor and lead numerous young Sailors throughout his service. Chief Nash retired on August 31, 2023, and soon after, on August 12, 2024, he began his dream position as the NJROTC Naval Science Instructor at Canyon Hills High School. His hobbies and interests include running, working out, coaching youth sports, teaching, comic books (anime is wack), horror movies, cooking, cheering for the Green Bay Packers and Milwaukee Bucks, and spending quality time with his family. Mark has been married to his wife, Kennetha Nash, for 18 years, and together they have three sons: Marquis, 30, Mark Jr., 15, and Michael, 12.